
Showing posts with label misadventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label misadventure. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2014

OMG! I just ripped out someones tooth! Minnie's Misadventures #2

Its a cool January evening (notice I say cool. This California weather is crazy. It was probably like 60). Anyhow, we're in the living room and in walks Ace. Ace, our extremely active, athletic 8 year old boy in the family and he has a couple loose front teeth.  One being VERY loose. Looks like they're gonna try and yank it out. This should be interesting....

So Ace and Dad grab one of those R/C Helicopters (you know, the one that really stings your nose when you try and sniff its rear). Anyway. Mom heads out the room and returns with this really stinky stuff. It was like a string. I think they called it "floss". It really caught my attention though. Wow was it strong.

So there I was, laying on the couch watching Ace getting this string tied to something in his mouth. Then they tied it to the helicopter (did I mention I don't like those things?). Dad grabbed the remote, and the helicopter shot into the sky, then came crashing back down in a hurry. I rolled my eyes and looked at Mom. Who is recording this silliness. They tried a second time. Here, you have to watch this to believe it:

I think they needed more power. Argh, argh argh!

Then, they came up with this brilliant idea to make ME pull it out. Really? ME?! I've got better things to do. I was comfy resting on the couch minding my own business. After all, I just was outside in this frigid (hah!) weather chasing a Blue Jay out of the yard. Don't they care about my rest? I guess not. Dad cut the string from the helicopter and grabbed my favorite toy. A big old hard plastic Daffy Duck! That caught my eye. Off I ran over to him play. I just can't resist that toy.

Dad then ties that smelly string to my collar. I didn't quite understand why at the time (that leash isnt going to hold me), I was focused on my duck. He tossed my duck in the other room and off I went. I couldn't get it fast enough. Everyone was cheering me on too! I came back in the room, and then realized the cheers weren't quite for me. They were for Ace. I guess we got that tooth out after all! See for yourself! The reaction on his face was priceless!

This is a different video than above. Even though it has the same initial screen.

Now, if that didn't already bring a smile to your face. You have to check out this post!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

And So It Begins.... Minnie's Misadventures #1

Today started out like any normal day. My humans parents got up early to get ready for work. My human siblings started to get ready for school. I got my breakfast in my kibble toy (BOY I love those things!) and went and rested a bit on my comfy bed before everyone had to leave.

A little later Momma told me goodbye and put the fence up around the bed area and tossed a few new toys my way. Dad would be home in a few hours. No big deal, right? Wrong.

After mom left, the house was quiet. Ah, some peace! No kids screaming and running around! Time for me to take a nap!  After my short nap, I played around with a few of the toys. But, that got old. I needed something better. There had to be something funner I could find to do. Then it hit me. I could be living on a cloud right now. Imagine that. A boxer like me living on a big ole fluffy cloud! My parents would be so excited to know I was being treated like a king floating on my big ole cloud!  But, how? How can I get me a cloud? Oh wait... I got it! This bed! Its almost like a cloud!!!

For the next couple hours before Dad got home I went to work. I knawed at that bed and finally broke the zipper open. Man. I'm like MacGyver! And yes, I watch it on occasion with the kids. Anyhow. Pulled, tugged and yanked all that stuffing out. Yeah! This is great!

After I got my cloud all set up, I was ready for a good nap. I was tuckered out after all that hard work! Off to sleep I went. Next thing I new, I heard Dad walking in the house. Woohoo! He's gonna be so proud of me!!  I let out a quick bark of excitement as he makes his way to the bedroom.

Then he walked in. I was all happy, sitting up nice and straight for him to see me. Then I noticed the look on his face. I had seen this look before. The one he gave me when I forgot to go outside to relieve myself. Uh oh. This ain't good. I don't think he is very happy. I laid down. I think my idea backfired on me. Crap.

Dad thought it would be a good idea to take my picture. Here it was. I realized at this point, my ingenious idea to sleep floating on a cloud wasn't so spectacular anymore. All I could think of was, I'm sorry Dad.